
PPBE Reform Falls Short

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the days leading up to Trump’s inauguration, the Pentagon quietly released a long-awaited piece of news: the implementation plan for PPBE reform. For those lucky enough not to know, PPBE stands for the DoD’s Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution process—essentially, the way the Pentagon buys stuff.  Bureaucratic bungle: Critics across […]


Fielding Failures

In the waning days of the Biden Administration, it seems like everyone is talking about defense innovation. On Monday, the Defense Innovation Board (DIB) released the results of two studies on the US defense industry at its winter board meeting—“Scaling Nontraditional Defense Innovation” and “A Pathway to Scaling Unmanned Weapons Systems”—and it looks like Anduril […]


From Ohio, With Love

Looks like defense production is coming back to the Buckeye State.  This morning, Anduril Technologies announced that it will build its long-anticipated Arsenal-1 hyperscale manufacturing facility in Columbus, OH. Anduril will invest $1B of its own capital in the plant, which at full capacity will span 5M+ square feet, employ 4,000 people, and produce tens […]


Hermeus HEATs Up

Hypersonic aircraft company Hermeus is taking testing into its own hands. Last week, the company announced that it had successfully tested a Pratt & Whitney F100 engine—the powerhouse behind the F15 and F16—in its new High Enthalpy Air-Breathing Test Facility (HEAT) in Jacksonville, FL.  So what does that actually mean? The company can now test its engines […]


Q+A with Shyam Sankar, CTO of Palantir Technologies

Shyam Sankar has had a busy couple of years. As the chief technology officer and executive VP of Palantir Technologies ($PLTR), he has helped drive the company’s meteoric rise to the top of the defense industry (and the stock market). Now, he’s set his sights even higher: he’s calling for a total Defense Reformation. Simple […]